Knowing the catastrophic dangers this machine could create. Many believe this is a technology humans should have never built. With the potential to form black holes, right here on Earth. The destruction brought about by its creation could dwarf that of the atomic bomb. This has led to people Like Elon Musk publicly protesting saying these organizations are playing with demonic technologies. What are they truly trying to discover under the ground at CERN? And what happens if they actually achieve it? The Ultimate Discovery creates unique transformative content for educational and entertainment purposes and represents the opinions of this channel. If you believe your copyright has been violated please contact us directly We take out content seriously and all content meets legal standards for licensing or fair use. Any attempts to falsify content strikes via the YouTube copyright system will be dealt with by our legal team. We use to translate our channel into different languages. For business matters: Disclaimer: The content presented in our videos is intended solely for entertainment purposes. While we may draw upon facts, rumors, and fiction, viewers should not interpret any part of the content as factual or definitive information. Please enjoy responsibly. Check Out These Videos: Elon Musk Says CERN's Large Hadron Collider is 'Demonic Technology' Tesla's Elon Musk: We're 'Summoning the Demon' with Artificial Intelligence